The operation of wastewater treatment plants, biosolids processing facilities and waste management sites produces some odours. The Region makes every effort to minimize any impacts on the community and our neighbours. This study includes approaches to mitigate the risk of off-site odours.
Odours generated at the proposed biosolids composting facility will be collected and treated by an odour control system. The Region will identify all potential odour emission sources at the proposed biosolids composting facility. Then, it will use an odour dispersion model to inform the engineering design of an effective system that meets MECP criteria for concentrations at neighbouring receptors (residential homes, places of worship and more).
Wastewater treatment plants, biosolids processing facilities and waste management sites are typically located away from sensitive land uses (such as urban areas, parks and recreational facilities) to minimize off-site odour risks. The preliminary preferred location has the lowest expected odour and noise impact on the surrounding area of all those we considered.