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Tenants Section

Learn about the various resources available to tenants of the HCHC program.

Making it easier to access Regional services in one visit

Regional social and community services are moving to Halton Regional Central at 1151 Bronte Road in Oakville. We are committed to providing high quality customer service and this move will make it easy for you to connect with a variety of services and supports all in one location and in one visit. To book an appointment for in-person supports, please call 311.


Tenants section

As a tenant in Halton region, you may have questions relating to your housing. Here you will find helpful information ranging from tenant policies to maintenance requests.

Don't see what you're looking for? Contact Access Halton or your Tenant Service Advisors for more information.


Need a repair?

Halton Energy, Fleet & Facilities Staff aim to provide efficient and reliable support to HCHC tenants. Although we strive to address all requests, priority will be given to emergencies and maintenance requests of an urgent matter.

If you have emergency repairs, call 311, available 24/7 for emergencies only. Emergency repairs includes:

  1. Flooding
  2. Gas Leak
  3. Roof Leak
  4. Dangerous electrical issues
  5. Broken smoke or carbon monoxide detectors
  6. Loss of heat

If you have priority repairs, complete this online form or call 311. Priority repairs include:

  1. Leaky faucet or running toilets
  2. Fridge or stove repairs
  3. Grab bar repairs
  4. Pest control

If you have a routine maintenance, complete this online form or call 311. Routine maintenance includes:


  1. light fixtures
  2. screen doors
  3. cabinets
  4. drywall
  5. garage doors
  6. doorbells
  7. towel bars

If you would like to speak with a member of the Energy, Fleet & Facilities team directly, call 311 or 905-825-6000.