HaltonParents Online Privacy Practices and Disclaimer
All questions received on the 'HaltonParents' Twitter, Facebook or blog pages are reviewed by one or more of the HaltonParents staff. If your question is outside of the staff member's area of expertise, the staff member will forward your question on to the appropriate expert within the Health, or Social and Community Services department for an answer.
If any question or concern of a personal nature is raised in either the public Twitter, Facebook or blog forums, the staff member will take the discussion offline to ensure privacy and confidentiality. Medical/health advice will also not be given in either public forum. The Halton Parents team can offer that information by phone or in person. Please email haltonparents@halton.ca with your phone number, or call 311 if you require such assistance.
Nothing described in this website should be construed by any reader or other person to be a diagnosis or treatment for any health concern for either your child or you. The HaltonParents team and any additional contributors viewed on the HaltonParents Twitter, Facebook or blog pages cannot accept any responsibility for any ill effects resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on these platforms. Information is being presented for educational purposes only and any use of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader.
Also note that HaltonParents may "follow" organizations or individuals to engage in conversation with them. However, "following" does not in any way connote endorsement by Halton Region or any of its staff of the information or opinions of those individuals or organizations.
Halton Region Public Health (HRPH) is committed to implementing the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding in Canada (external PDF), as outlined by the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada (external link). HRPH provides services and resources that protect, promote and support breastfeeding. Links to websites external to www.halton.ca are provided as a convenience and do not imply that HRPH endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of these external websites.